Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Dear Jess 3/6/19....

Dear Future me

This is my personal time capsule. Written on the 9th of September aged 16. 
So, you're 21 now? Wow. You're finally at the age you've looked forward to for so long...
So, I have some questions for you at this time in your life.
Right now, we've just started College. How did we do? Did we pass? University, where did we go? Did we decide on midwifery? I know how bad we are for changing our mind! I'm pretty set on being a midwife at the minute, or a neonatal nurse.
Are you driving? How are mum and dad? How many nieces and nephews do we have? (The count is currently up to six, and one on the way)
Importantly, are you still in touch with Kate, Danny and Anthony? If not, please, get online or pick up the phone and message them. These people have helped you through a shit ton, don't throw that away.
What about Jordan? Are you two still a couple? If so, how's it going? What stage are you at in the relationship? At the minute it's been 17 months, and you're so happy. If not, and man i hope you still are, wow... How did that happen? Have you stayed in touch at least?
Most importantly of all...
Are we happy?
Best wishes
Present me 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Starting Afresh

Hi guys!
Well, I have no excuses for my absence except I've simply drifted away from blogging in these past few months. 
However, fear not, for i am returning.
A little update on whats going on with me; I've started college! I'm currently studying Health and Social care and Performance at a sixth form college, and I'm loving it! (More posts about this to come!)
Another thing is that my content on this newer blog is not only beauty-and-fitness-based but I've decided I'm going to use blogger as more of a diary now, as well, so expect some new content :)
Well there's a little update guys, I shall return tomorrow with a better and hopefully more organised post!
